Gimlet Idaho

A resident's directory of Gimlet Idaho.


24 January 2025

From November 15- April 15, there is no parking on any Gimlet Road at any time. No overnight parking on Gimlet Roads is permitted at any time. THE OWNER OF ANY vehicle parked on a Gimlet Road between November 15- April 15 is responsible for any damage that may occur to the vehicle.


Gimlet Hangar
Gimlet Hangar
Courtesy of Unknown (circa unknown)
Gimlet Hangar collapse
Gimlet Hangar collapse
Courtesy of Dave Wooding (2023)
Johnson Flying Service signage
Johnson Flying Service signage

Found in the garage of the Homles/Luntz property (now the Starks’ homestead) before it was torn down. Approximately 6'x4'.

Courtesy of Lisa Whorton (circa unknown)
Rinker estate in Gimlet
Rinker estate in Gimlet
Courtesy of Rinker family (circa unknown)
Rinker estate
Rinker estate
Courtesy of Rinker family (circa unknown)
Gimlet Runway
Gimlet Runway
Courtesy of Unknown (circa unknown)
Gimlet Runway
Gimlet Runway

A single northwest/southeast paved 4,800' runway. Source

Courtesy of Unknown (circa unknown)

50+ cows and a single bull elk in the hills above Gimlet in early fall.

Courtesy of Dave Wooding (2023)


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